Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Spring break!

Spring break, as well as exams, have come and gone. Exams were not horrendous, especially considering all the horror we hear about neuro block, and endocrinology is not my specialty! We have a couple grades back, and I'm excited to say that I'm maintaining my A in clinical skills! Sadly, I got an 89.57 on VBS... So close, yet so far! I didn't challenge any exam questions because I forgot about it, so that's kind of a bummer too. I was just excited to get home.
I left for Orlando on the Friday and got in Saturday at 5 AM. I immediately went to the barn and rode Nick and Bruno, and they were great! I schooled both of them on Monday and even got to jump Wally over a couple things. For almost never getting ridden, Wally was fantastic. He still misses his lead every once in awhile, but it's much better than it was and I have to consider the fact that he's only three. I was supposed to work Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, but I got super sick and was throwing up at work on Tuesday so that was a no-go. It was still nice to see everyone at work when I wasn't vomiting, though!

My little man is getting so big!

I went to HITS Ocala on Thursday. I still wasn't feeling 100% and I was super out of shape so we stuck to some smaller classes with Nick, and I don't mean the entries were small! There were 50+ people in all of my classes, I think, and I still managed some good ribbons! Nick and I were champion in the adult jumper lows and got second or third in the one 3'3" class I tried. Bruno and I played around and didn't do fantastic in the equitation (surprise, surprise, I don't ride so pretty anymore) but I was still so proud of him for being good and jumping around all the rings. One of our medals was even in the jumper ring, and we haven't gone in there for at least three years and he handled it like a champ.
I went home Saturday night and got to ride Wally on Sunday. We jumped a little course for the first time ever and he was great! It was just two lines, but we finished with a big red gate with a pole over the top. It was probably 2'6", so the biggest he'd ever jumped and he loved it! I'm so proud of how far he's come.

I bought Piper a blanket

Bruno being all cute

I got back to California around midnight, and have been doing the school thing ever since! I'm still working on setting up an ultrasound wet lab for surgery club. I have the go-ahead from the professor who's doing it with us, so that's super exciting! We were focusing on bladder and ureters the week before spring break and this week is kind of the same thing, plus kidneys, and feline urinary behaviour. I'm not a huge fan of behaviour, but I guess I'll deal.
I got called in for foal watch on Tuesday from 2-6 AM and it was awesome! There were two foals there: one was an orphan, and the other had neonatal isoerythrolysis. They were both doing really well, which was awesome especially considering the only other time I'd been called in was for a dummy foal that was ultimately put down. I flushed both of their catheters and gave them kpen IV, and then flushed again. That was super fun to do all on my own, especially since they both felt so great that they wanted to play. All good experience though, especially since I'd never flushed an equine catheter before!

Back to studying!

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