Saturday, March 8, 2014

Done with neuro block!

I'm done with exams, and I'm done with neuro block! I'm glad I actually survived. A lot of people are talking about how they just know that they failed everything and I definitely don't feel like that... I already know I only missed 4 or 5 questions on our anatomy practical, which is loads better than I've done before. I kind of screwed up radiology, but I find spinal rads to be pretty difficult to identify all the bits and pieces... Anyone got a good way to learn that or a good resource for it?
The clinical skills practical was interesting... I definitely did well as it was things that were suited to my strengths: suturing, dosage calculations, identifying instruments... Not too bad. Unfortunately, at one of the suturing stations, the professor commented on how my horizontal mattress was a little loose and asked me the differences between vicryl and PDS, made me go and wet the suture, and then told me I needed to hurry up because there was someone waiting... The suture station was literally just suturing! So, that was a little frustrating and inappropriate.
I had been called in for foal watch the night before, so I didn't get home until 6 AM and then my exams started at 10:30 AM so I was exhausted by the end of the day. Foal watch was super cool though, I got to help reflux the foal and give it milk through an NG tube... poor baby ended up being euthanized after I left though. Super sad, but it was the right decision.
A bunch of us went out to Elephant Bar last night so that was a good time, and I came home and passed out! Today I'm going to go see the sutures get removed on the mare that had her enucleation last week and tomorrow I'm helping with a TNR in Burbank all day!

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