Thursday, January 23, 2014

The last few days have been interesting to say the least. Neuro block has been just as difficult as anticipated, but I feel like I might finally be starting to get the hang of it (that is until we get our next set of disclosures tomorrow). I try not to mention the cases because I'm pretty sure the school has rules against that and I don't want to ruin it for any future students that may read this but what we've been learning about this week is essentially the neuromuscular junction and the role of acetylcholine in that. Definitely easier than the case last week, where I'm still not really sure where the focus was.. maybe proprioception?
Over the weekend, one of my roommates locked me out of the house on purpose and then drove out of town leaving me alone for over four hours. It was fine, I broke in through one of the windows with Piper, but thank god none of the neighbors found that suspicious.
Then today, we had a weird situation where some older man rang our doorbell twice -- I thought I was the only one home and I don't answer the door if I'm not expecting anyone. When I looked out the window, I saw him take a clipping from one of our trees, get in his truck, and leave the neighborhood. About ten minutes later, I heard people talking and laughing outside of my house. I looked out the window and saw two younger guys stepping off of our porch with a blue bag in their hands. They walked down the street, got in a truck, and left. It was all rather strange. One of my roommates wanted me to call the police, and I kind of agreed with that, especially if our house is being used as a drop for something. Ultimately, after talking to my landlords who were immensely helpful, I didn't call the police. My landlords actually said if it happened again to let them know, and they'd call the police. I've gotten really lucky to have such nice landlords for my first time living on my own, they really do a lot for us and they're always reachable which is nice.
SC-AVMA is doing something pretty cool and hosting a casino night where something like $20 gets you $10 of chips and two free drinks. Which would be great if I could actually drink! I'll be 21 soon enough, I suppose.
I got Piper spayed over winter break by one of the doctors at home and actually had to take her in to our on campus clinic today because she'd developed what looked like an abscess at the cranial part of her incision. She'd had some oozing at her recheck, so I was a little worried about it being an abscess or something bad but they ended up telling me that it was likely a suture reaction and if it doesn't go away in 2-4 weeks (or it gets worse) that the next step would be antibiotics and surgical removal... Not super stoked about a possible surgical removal since I just paid for one surgery and getting anything like that done at school is way more expensive than at home, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
I don't know if I included this in my last post, but I found out I officially got all As and Bs for my first semester of vet school! I actually ended up only getting one true B, and that was in MCB (sad! At least I got an A on the final) and then I got an AB in VBS which basically means for the 16 credit course I get 8 credits of an A and 8 credits of a B. I got an A in clinical skills which apparently no one did well in, so I feel really good about myself -- I can do this vet school thing!

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