Tuesday, June 18, 2013


So, I'm in Georgia! It was about a seven hour drive during which I slept and did a lot of cross stitch. I think I'm going to finish my galah pattern while I'm here. 
The horses have been great. Nick has been his normal self. Bruno was really calm to hack on the first day and pretty good yesterday. He marched around both hunter rings but got a little upset and threw in a buck and a squeal when one of the maintenance ladies was messing with the trash bags. Can't really blame him! 

A very calm, very tired Bruno

It's really pretty here. These are probably the prettiest, most well-maintained show grounds that I've been to. It's really cute too, they have horse paths everywhere so you don't have to walk on the pavement. Even when you'd have to cross it, they have mats down for you! 
Bruno and I exploring the show grounds

The view from our barn

I just can't believe how green everything is! I'm used to Clarcona, Ocala, and Jacksonville where you have to fight for shade and the "green" grass isn't all that green. It's a really big show grounds too and I've already gotten lost a couple of times. 

The hotel is pretty nice. We discovered that the shower head won't change from the massage function so we asked if they could change it for us. Came back to this note in our room:

So, we thought that was pretty nice! I'd have to say I'm impressed.

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