Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I'm halfway done with exams, whooo! That means I'm almost 1/8 a doctor, or at least that's what my classmates keep saying. We had VBS I on Monday and that went okay. I didn't expect some of the content so that kind of sucked and I made what I thought was an educated guess and... it wasn't. Oh well, still feel like I did pretty well! Vet Issues was today and that went okay as well. Most of it was short answer and there was only one question that I had no idea on and I'm pretty sure I'll still get partial credit. MCB was way easier than I expected and thank god for that! I was really worried about the free response/fill in the blank portion but it wasn't horrible. We'll see if my good feelings translate into good grades.
I got my vet med hoodie that I ordered ages ago, today! I really like it, but it's HUGE. It has pawprints on the hood too -- cute!

I took Piper to the dog park before I got down to studying today, and I think she really enjoyed it. She hasn't gotten much love in the last few days because I really didn't do a good job of preparing for exams and we're both paying the price.

I had a friend/coworker stay with me the last few days -- the one that had an interview at Western. She isn't sure how she did, but I'm pretty sure she did great. The people who interviewed her are ones that are pretty hard on you and won't let you know you're doing but they're really nice professors so I'm sure she was fine.
Well, I have my anatomy/histology/radiology/parasitology/pathology practical tomorrow! Not sure how to study it other than looking at the slides over and over and over again.

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