Alright, so two weeks of vet school down and the third starts tomorrow! Last week was interesting, to say the least. One of the LEAD sessions, talking about study skills was a little helpful. Dr. McNamara and Dr. Barr sat in and weighed in as well, so that was nice. Dr. McNamara, responsible for discovering West Nile in North America, actually shared study techniques that she used when she was studying for her DAVCP boards, and I think I might end up stealing them.
For those of you that don't know, when you enter training to become a DACV-anything, you're responsible for being up to date on current veterinary news. What that means is that the college gives you certain journals to read and you have to read them a certain amount of years back and know absolutely everything about them. So, what Dr. McNamara did was Xerox the copy of the cover page of those journals and write notes on the back of the page. Then, she would transcribe that to a 3x5 index card, using only key words so when she saw just those few key words, she remembered everything about the article. Pretty cool!
Anyway, back to my second week. The lecture from the parasitology professor was really helpful. She helped identify the questions we should be asking when looking into parasitology mentions in our cases. She also explained to us how the parasitology practical worked and how we were tested, which was something I hadn't even remembered to look into!
We also had a lecture about research and how to get involved, which is something I need to start doing very quickly. There's a research club on campus, so I have to look into joining that. They do summer training, so that might be where my summer goes. As for now, the lecturer said to identify an area of interest and find out if any professors are conducting research in that field. As it so happens, the lecturer is doing research with regards to equine stem cells which is an area of interest for me! I've always been nervous to get involved in research because it seems like everyone got involved their freshman year of undergrad, or even before then so I feel a little lost and I don't exactly know what would be expected. Anyway, I might as well visit her office next week and see what she has to say!
I was pretty unproductive yesterday, so I'm trying to make up for it today. I've been looking into the different viral families that infect vertebrates and their relative characteristics. Next, I'm going to look into distemper, leptospirosis, bordetella, adenovirus, and parainfluenza.
Oh, another happy note! I booked my flight to go home and see Taylor in a few weeks, so I'm excited about that! His parents bought him tickets to the Gentleman of the Road Tour months ago (and he chose me as his plus one, how cute!) and booked a hotel room but I was really going back and forth on if I should fly home for what will basically be just 48 hours. I decided it was worth it. I really want to go, I really want to see my boyfriend, and it's not close to any big exams so I can manage. Plus, being on the plane will hopefully force me to study because what else am I going to do 20,000 feet in the air? My wallet kind of hurts, but that's unavoidable with student loans anyway!