Thursday, July 25, 2013

Wrapping up

The last few days have been great. My last day at work was the twentieth, and one of my coworkers suggested we go and get sushi with his girlfriend and my boyfriend and then go bowling and drink White Russians after (we're both big fans of the Big Lebowski). The restaurant was amazing. We all shared our food and every single piece I had was amazing. I absolutely have to go back. After that, we went to go bowling and almost all of my coworkers were there! It was a surprise going away party and it was awesome. It was really nice to see how many people turned out. We bowled, we drank, we talked -- it was great.
The next day, I got up at 5 in the morning and headed to Venice! The show was a lot of fun, Nick won all of his classes and paid for his show bill and Bruno's. I can't complain about that. We're here again, but mum's with me this time. Nick won a class today that actually won me a helmet so that was pretty cool! It's one of those new Circle K helmets that people are starting to wear. I have to get fitted for it, since I guess they don't want people to just eBay it.

Nick is pretty bombproof. Bruno thinks he's dumb

Drinking out of his dog bowl! He loves it

I ended up getting a new car. Jerry went out and bought me a new Toyota RAV4 and it drives great. It's getting shipped out to California tomorrow and I was allowed to pack a suitcase with up to 100 lbs in it, so I managed to put all of my textbooks and a couple articles of clothing in there.

2010 Toyota RAV4!

Before we left for the first Venice, I rode Wally and we actually jumped our first jump! He was perfect, didn't care at all. Unfortunately, he flipped out when lunging and tore some skin off of my fingers. 


The middle finger got swollen and won't stop oozing. The skin is slowly taking over the nail. 

My flight leaves for California at 6:50 AM on Thursday, so I need to get ready for that at some point in time and hope my finger is better!

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